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Monday, October 31, 2011

Reasons to Vegan - Veganize and Thrive! How to Easily Heal, Get Slender, Live Long and Look Hot

!±8± Reasons to Vegan - Veganize and Thrive! How to Easily Heal, Get Slender, Live Long and Look Hot

Many are aware of having heard of vegan foods, and are not sure exactly what that term means.

A vegan is someone who eats only vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds - and that group includes a wealth of foods and products that we can all easily buy at our health food store. Some are now available at regular food markets too.

The reasons so many people are becoming vegan are numerous, and in this article we'll discuss the reasons to vegan !

Here are some things veganizing will bring to your life:

Vegans are :
more youthful.
live longer.
more energetic.
in better moods.
save money on food.
help starving children.
help to save our environment.
save the world.
have clean consciences.

It's true - vegans are more slender than those who are not. It's easy to get and to stay slender when eating what our bodies were designed to eat.

Want to heal something ? Do you want to enjoy vibrant healthiness ? Then become vegan. Veganizing is the best way to allow your body to heal. Just cleansing your body by eating only clean, clear, water-based whole foods like veggies and fruit will be great for you. To become lucid in your mind. to easily and quickly become lighter in weight, to become inspired, and to know that healing exists for everyone and for every ailment, most alternative health practitioners suggest a cleansing vegan diet to start out your healing regimen with - if not to stick with for life. Just clearing accumulated toxins from your body is a great thing. Veganizing has always been a great starting point in order to heal from all sorts of health challenges. And - to stay healthy, veganize for life!

Vegans, brighter? Smarter? Yes! Studies prove that vegans score higher in the braininess category.Just keeping the body free of toxins, and allowing the body to become clear and to do its' own job of detoxifying better - as veganizing allows us to do - means that our minds can get the nutrients it needs in order to function optimally. But vegans also have better nutrition leading to the brain's healthiness and better thought processes.

The hormonal overload that the average diet burdens the body with, along with just over-working our body with junk it has to then clean itself from means that becoming vegan will heal your system so that it can function as it was meant to and that hormonal levels can then normalize.

This will, of course, make you sexier - and the clean, sweet breath and body fragrance of a clean system naturally makes you a more sexy item!

Vegans are more youthful-looking and feeling. This is a given. Why else would you think those celebrity spas use veganizing as a way to restore and replenish the looks of stars when they need a tune-up?

Did you know that vegans live at least ten years longer than other people ? That they remain able-bodied, energetic, aware, and functioning longer than others?

Vegans are better company! They enjoy better moods, and less mood fluctuation, than do others.
It only makes sense - eating clear, clean, healthy veggies and fruits, nuts and seeds, keep our bodies healthy, and therefore, keep us happier - and we avoid the mood-destructiveness of sugary, floury, fatty foods and "dead" food - food that gives us no life - no energy, and only adds toxins to our bodies that are already besieged by environmental toxic overload. The least we can do for our bodies is to lift the dietary burdens off them!

Even when shopping at health food stores, vegans save money on food-buying. Veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds, and even prepared vegan foods give more energy, and, for instance, buying Ezekiel bread - sprouted, whole grain, heavy, tasty bread will be more filling and nutritious than the unhealthy, ordinary breads, so we eat less and gain more health, more energy, and more life from our food!

Why is it more important to green your food than to, say, green your car? Because greening - that is, veganizing - our diets means that we're saving the air, the land, the water, and our own health - we're using less resources, causing less waste and toxins, and saving our environment. At the same time, we open up arable land that would be used for grazing and allowing it to grow grains enough to feed the world, easily!

This will save the world! If we also curb human overpopulation, we will easily save our planet!

And, what about the suffering of countless sentient fellow beings? This is the main reason to vegan - compassion. Whether we eat meat or not, we all agree that all beings deserve humane treatment and human kindness. The "farm" animals get neither.

Our consciences are our souls speaking to us. All morality and all the world's religions teach compassion as the pivotal component of spirituality. To become vegan is to respond to what your soul has wanted all along.

Look into your heart and give yourself, your family, the world, and the helpless the gift of health.
Veganize and Thrive!

Reasons to Vegan - Veganize and Thrive! How to Easily Heal, Get Slender, Live Long and Look Hot

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Examples of Whole Grain Foods

!±8± Examples of Whole Grain Foods

If you are looking for examples of whole grain foods, this article will be a great resource to you! It can be confusing to understand which foods contain whole grains, because there are so many highly processed foods available in the grocery store. But, with a few simple steps you will be able to see which foods contain whole grains and which foods you should be avoiding.

The first ingredient to pay attention to is flour. Most processed foods contain white flour, or highly processed wheat flour. The best ingredient to look for is "whole wheat flour" because it is less processed and it contains more fiber and nutrition. Read the label of the items that you would like to buy, and then pick the products with the whole wheat flour. For example, whole wheat bread is more healthy than white flour bread.

Next, consider the pasta that you consume. The majority of the pasta choices are made with white flour, so a better option is to purchase items that have whole grains listed in the ingredients. Look for whole wheat pasta, brown rice pasta, or quinoa pasta.

Another great way to eat more whole grains is by substituting your white rice with brown rice or wild rice. The darker the color of rice means that it have more nutrition and is less processed. White rice is highly processed and much of the nutrition has been removed, so replacing white rice with brown rice is a great way to eat more whole grain foods.

Sprouted grains are another good example of whole foods. When grains are sprouted, the nutrition increases and they contain more enzymes (which are beneficial to your health). Using a sprouter, it is easy to sprout grains at home to have an abundance of whole grains available at any time.

Examples of Whole Grain Foods

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